Saturday, 25 December 2010

A child is born

Christmas Day year A Sermon 2010
A baby is born… and two thousand years later…
half the world… sings out with joy…
on Christmas morning… echoing a message of hope.

Once again… we hear the angel’s promise…
in Joseph’s dream… we listen to Mary’s song of adoration…we remember the shepherds and the manger and the star.

Once again… we rekindle our awe and wonder
And our gratitude…that the creator of the universe … broke through time and space… to show us how much we’re loved… and to communicate an urgent saving message… for all humanity…

The message of hope spoken by the prophets but ignored… ‘turn your hearts back to God
to God’s way… live in peace, and do justice with compassion…take care of the vulnerable, the voiceless and the weak

and humanity will be saved from destruction, violence, poverty and war

The baby whose birth we celebrate today… personally delivered this message of hope… and as his followers…as Christians… we’re called to invite him into our hearts…and carry this message of good news to all the world…and we do don’t we? [pause]

Not always… you see sometimes we forget Jesus came with good news for all the world… came to save humanity…to be a light to the world…when Israel lost her way.

During the age of the ego… we twisted and distorted Jesus’ message… into one of private individual salvation… and overlooked his prescription for peace on earth…for the salvation of the world.

We must have overlooked it…because…even though we’ve had two thousand years…to wipe out poverty and conflict… the vulnerable, the voiceless and the weak…
Still suffer…especially children.

Jesus’ message of peace… was intended for the world.  When Jesus’ says Shalom…peace be with you…he doesn’t just mean…stop fighting…he means…
let’s you and I start creating…the just and equitable conditions that make for peace and wellbeing for everyone…

Even in Aotearoa New Zealand… the disparity continues to grow between rich and poor…a report just released
reveals large disparities in child health status for children in families most affected by the economic downturn. Those dependent on benefits are especially vulnerable. 

The 2010 Children’s Social Health Monitor issued by the Dunedin School of Medicine… reports last year almost 2000 more children were admitted to hospital than in 2007 for illnesses associated with poverty.
We love to sing the song Jesus loves the little children… but when it comes to tax time…
we forget it means all children…

Outside Godzone…half the world’s children…more than one billion children… still suffer the effects of natural catastrophe…war and preventable disease like HIV AIDS.
Yet the world’s spending on war is 20 times greater… than what it spends to provide clean water and adequate medical care for it’s children.

But on this Christmas morning we do not despair…


Because we remember once again…
that we are the bearers of hopewe
are entrusted with Jesus saving message…
we have the key to peace and wellbeing…

showed us the way didn’t he…love one another as I have loved you…even your enemies.

And while much of the world rejoices
in the birth of the messenger… we don’t hear a great clamoring for his peace… Why?

Jesus way…the way of equity justice compassion…and mercy is sacrificial for those who have enough… Jesus way means sharing…getting by with less… less wealth and less power… less control…

Jesus way may offer salvation for all humankind…
but how many of us are prepared to pay the price. [pause]

When we’re overwhelmed by all this bad news…
it’s tempting to cocoon ourselves..
in soothing Christmas carols and warm sticky pudding…and maybe a little bubbly

Tempting… to calm our jangled nerves…
in the beauty of the nativity…and blot out the world.

But today as we enjoy the spirit of this season…
and I’m certainly going to enjoy it…
let’s not forget… the work of Christmas isn’t done...

Today we’ll give up our entire offering…to bring good news to those served by Christian World Service…
our official aid organization…CWS is committed to eliminating despair and deprivation in places like Haiti Tonga Uganda and Palestine…it’s our tradition in this parish to give our Christmas offering for this purpose.

When the Christ child grew up he did not walk away from sacrifice…may he be our model and our master ever more.  

When a child is born.