Sunday, 15 April 2012

Jesus’ way of worship – a politically incorrect guide to being in church

Easter 2 year B Sermon
Introduction to sermon series
Welcome to the politically incorrect guide to being in church – otherwise known
as Jesus’ way of worship
It’s at least a three part series, but a fourth is beginning to take shape.

Today in the first part…I’m going to talk about Jesus way… as witnessed in the Gospels.

Next week about what that means for us…the way we worship?

And then on the 29th of April in light of all what we’ve learned …about Jesus way of worship…in a special covenanting service we’ll develop the question about what or who is the church?

But first… Jesus’ way.

When your part of a two thousand year old faith tradition
as Jesus was…with synagogues established throughout the Roman Empire and a grand Temple in Jerusalem
controlled by a powerful religious elite…there’s nothing more politically incorrect…than claiming to be the anointed one of God…the Messiah…in Greek, he Christos…the Christ

A time when the established religious leaders make their claims of authority as the sons of Abraham and followers of Moses…there’s nothing more politically incorrect than to claim to be the Son of God
in intimate familial relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

And when the Law of Moses and its demands…
govern everything a good Jew must… and must not do…
then there’s nothing more politically incorrect
than for an upstart rabbi… not only to claim the scriptures have been fulfilled as he speaks…but that his interpretation is a revelation directly from God.

As a result of all this…it becomes dangerous for Jesus to enter any place of worship. This scene taken
 literally from the Gospel of John occurs in the Temple courts shortly before the crucifixion…right after Jesus
prevents an angry mob from stoning a woman to death–after she’s been caught in adultery.

From this a violent argument ensued…and the Temple authorities picked up rocks to stone Jesus…
but he escaped because his time had not yet come.

Throughout his three year ministry from baptism in the river Jordan, to preaching in his home town synagogue
at Nazareth, and on to the synagogues across the region…
and finally to the Temple in Jerusalem …

Jesus’ politically incorrect approach gets him thrown out
of established places of worship… And if Jesus’ and his followers…are no longer safe in the synagogue
and the Temple …Jesus…. has to form something completely new
not only a new way to pray and to worship,
but a new congregation …a new people of God
without constraints and barriers… [pause]

So what does Jesus’ new congregation look like?

First he gathers people around himself…not a building…he has no library of scrolls…he’s learned them
all by heart as a boy…like other good Jewish men.

Second he offers and receives hospitality at weddings, at parties and with huge hungry crowds…and finally
and most significantly at the table of the last supper.

Third he gathered a congregation of equals. Remember the widow’s mite…where Jesus signals…
that wealth and status are not the measure of a person’s devotion to God.

Fourth… where ever a welcome and equal congregation gathered around Jesus… he would teach them…
on a hillside, by the river…at a dinner party…and in his teaching…
he would fly in the face of political correctness.

Often opposing the so called accepted interpretation of scripture…Jesus would say…
You have heard it said, but I say…

not only did he claim his right to interpret the scripture…but he gave the same right to his followers.
That’s what a rabbi means when he gives his disciples the ‘keys to the kingdom’ as Jesus did …that was a rabbi’s idiom…the way to give permission to interpret the Law and the Prophets.

And indignant at the heavy burdens… placed on people by the religious authorities…
Jesus claimed his interpretation of God’s will…
his yoke…the one embroidered on his rabbinical prayer shawl …his yoke was easy and his burden light.

In Jesus’ day when a rabbi told a student …
their interpretation was correct…the rabbi would say
you have fulfilled the scriptures.

When they got it wrong…he’d say you’ve abolished the law and the prophets. So when Jesus
proclaims the scriptures are fulfilled in their hearing… what he means is the written word of God had been interpreted… one hundred per cent correctly …by him! That he is the living Word of God
with a capital W………Jesus is the very revelation of God.

The fifth thing Jesus did…which was stupendously politically incorrect… is when the… welcome equal congregation… gathered around him…he would touch them… even if they were labelled unclean… and he would heal them… even if it meant breaking the law of the Sabbath! And feed them…
even if it meant incurring the wrath of the authorities!

And what was the effect of Jesus’ healing every time …well…it restored a person to community…
who’d been ritually banned… from the synagogue or the Temple…because of their so called sinful condition.

And sixth Jesus when the welcome equal congregation gathered around for teaching and healing…Jesus demonstrates a new way for them to pray…
a very politically incorrect way to pray…particularly if you happen to live in the Roman Empire…
where Caesar demands to be recognized as father and holy god of all… and the provider of every good thing.

Listen to how politically incorrect the Lord’s prayer is taught on that hillside in Roman occupied Judea.

Our father in heaven, holy be your name,
Your kingdom come, your will be done…
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread…and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Guide us to resist temptation and deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever

Not only was this politically incorrect…but it would make the prayer very unpopular… with the religious powers… who wanted to keep things nice with the Romans.

Seventh…eating and drinking and touching…
and including the poor and the sinner…
into the congregation around Jesus...
means sharing what they have… with each other
so everyone has enough…and caring like a new family.  

And finally…one of the most politically incorrect of all
to be included…in the congregation ….were the children… not only were they welcome…
but they were held up as the model of faith… for entering the kingdom of God as it grew on earth. [pause]

And this so called politically incorrect way of worship
wasn’t limited to one day a week or to a place… it was a way of life

it was a manifestation… of the kingdom of God
in the Messianic age… where the shalom of God
the wellbeing of everyone… was the attraction!

Gathered around Jesus…offered and offering hospitality …equal before God. A people…
taught the way and the truth and the life by the living Word of God in the flesh…
a people forgiven…healed, and restored to community…

A people… longing and praying for God’s will to be done and God’s sovereignty over all powers and principalities…
a people seeking the salvation and wellbeing of all God created.

A people whose calling is their leaders calling…
Jesus’ calling to bring sight to those blind to the suffering of others, to release those…
imprisoned by prejudice and intolerance…to embody good news to the poor
in pocket and in spirit

A politically incorrect people for whom worship is a way of life…from rising to lying down…
not weekly religious habit.

A ‘called out’ people…gathered around Jesus…

in Greek an ecclesia…
in English…a church

a living breathing representation of the Body of Christ here in this place.

Let us pray…